Managing files and folders

You can manage your own files and folders as well as files that have been shared with you by other users.

Accessing the Manage Files view

Choose Manage Files from the Backstage view.

The page is divided into three tabs.

The My Maps tab shows your files and folders, including files that you have shared with other users, if any. These files are marked with an icon in the Sharing column.

The Shared With Me tab shows all files and folders that other users have shared with you, if any.

note_color.gif For more information on sharing files, see "Sharing files and folders".

The Recycle Bin tab shows all files that you have deleted and lets you restore them as explained under "Options on the Recycle Bin tab" below unless they were deleted more than 30 days ago.

On the My Maps and Shared With Me tabs, you can select a file or folder by hovering the mouse pointer to the left of the file or folder name until a blue check mark appears and then clicking the check mark. If you click the name of the file or folder, it is opened. On the Recycle Bin tab, you can select a file by clicking its name. To open the file, you first need to restore it.

Options on the My Maps tab

Creating a new folder

Click New Folder and enter the name of the folder.

Creating a new subfolder

Open the folder where the new subfolder is to be placed.

Click New Folder and enter the name of the folder.

Uploading a file

Open the folder where the file is to be uploaded, and then do one of the following:

Click Upload and select the file on your computer or device.

Drag and drop the MindView file to the Drop MindView files here field.

The file is uploaded and shown in the selected folder.

note_color.gif The attachments of the original file will not be uploaded unless you pack your mind map before uploading it. For more information, see the documentation for your desktop version of MindView. If you open the file on MindView Online from the same computer where the original file is located, however, the attachments are available.

Deleting a file or folder

Select the file or folder to be deleted.

Click Delete .

Deleted files are moved to the recycle bin where you can restore them for a period of time. Deleted folders are removed permanently, unless you restore files that were located in those folders. For more information, see "Options on the Recycle Bin tab" below.

note_color.gif You cannot delete an open mind map.

Moving a file or folder

Select the file or folder to be moved.

Click Move .

Select a destination folder in the dialog that opens, and click OK.

You can create, rename and delete destination folders using the options in the dialog.

Refreshing the view

Click Refresh .

Options for individual folders and files

Click the three dots  to the right of the folder or file name, and then do one of the following:

Click Rename and enter the new name to change the name of the folder or file.

Click Delete to delete the folder or file.

Click Share  to share the folder or file with others as explained in "Sharing files and folders".

(Files only) Click Download to download a copy of the file, and select a storage location if prompted to do so.

(Files only) Click Duplicate to create a copy of the file in the same folder.

This feature is handy for quickly creating copies of files, for example if you want to use a file as a template.

(Files only) Click History to see a list of earlier versions of the file. Click Restore next to a specific version to restore that version of the file as a new document.

note_color.gif New versions of a MindView document are created automatically after a period of time when you have introduced one or more changes. If you are using a desktop version of MindView to edit the document, a new version is created automatically when you close the document in MindView.

Options on the Shared With Me tab

On the Shared With Me tab, you can see a list of users who have shared files and folders with you, if any. If you click a user name, you will see all files and folders shared with you by that user.

You can open the file for editing, download or duplicate it and refresh the view as described above. When you duplicate a file shared with you, the duplicate is placed on the My Maps tab, not the Shared With Me tab. If you end the sharing relationship with a user as described below, any duplicates you have made of files shared with you by that user are therefore not deleted.

Ending a sharing relationship

If you no longer wish to have access to files shared with you by another user, you can remove that user from your Shared With Me tab, ending the sharing relationship with that user.

From the list of users who have shared files and folders with you, select the user you want to remove, and click Remove .

note_color.gif You must select the sharing user, not the individual shared files.


The user you removed can continue sharing files with other users, and the files themselves are not deleted or removed.

The user can re-share files and folders with you as needed.

Options on the Recycle Bin tab

Files shown on the Recycle Bin tab are deleted permanently 30 days after you moved them to the recycle bin. Until then, you can restore them by doing one of the following:

Select the file and click Restore .

Click the three dots  to the right of the file name and click Restore .

Files are restored to their original folder. If you deleted the original folder after deleting the file, the folder is recreated along with the restored file. If you had deleted other files in the restored folder, these are not automatically restored, but you can do so manually if they have not been permanently deleted.

As on the other two tabs, you can click Refresh to update the view.