Zooming in and out

You can change the level of magnification of your mind map.

For a description of general viewing options in MindView Online, see "Viewing a mind map".

Zooming in and out

There are several ways of zooming your mind map.

Zooming in

Choose Home | Zoom In or View | Zoom In .


Press Ctrl while scrolling your mouse wheel upwards.

Zooming out

Choose Home | Zoom Out or View | Zoom Out .


Press Ctrl while scrolling your mouse wheel downwards.

In some browsers, you can zoom the entire map workspace (including the user interface) by pressing Ctrl and +/-.

Viewing the mind map at 100%

You can reset your mind map to its default zoom factor of 100%.

Choose Home | 100% or View | 100% .


Press Ctrl + F6.

Fitting the mind map to the map workspace

You can resize the mind map so that it completely fills the map workspace.

Choose Home | Fit All or View | Fit All .


Press F4.