Creating hyperlinks

You can create a hyperlink between a root or branch and external elements such as a website, a file in cloud-based storage, an FTP server or an e-mail address.

Inserting a hyperlink on a root or a branch

Select the root or branch where you would like to insert the hyperlink.

Choose Home | Hyperlink or Insert | Hyperlink .

On the drop-down list, choose whether you would like to create a manual hyperlink or link to a file stored on Google Drive or Microsoft Live.

Do one of the following:

For manual hyperlinks, enter a name for the hyperlink, select a different link type on the drop-down if necessary, and enter the link address in the dialog that opens.

For hyperlinks to files on a cloud-based drive, log into the selected service in the dialog that opens (if required), and then select the file to link to. You may have to grant MindView Online access to your files.

You can also insert a hyperlink by right-clicking the root or branch where the hyperlink is to be placed, choosing Insert | Hyperlink , choosing a link type in the submenu, and then defining the link as described above.

Double-check that the link address is entered correctly, or the link will not work. Also be aware that certain websites and FTP servers may require additional login information from the user when the link is clicked. This is particularly relevant if you have shared the mind map with another user who needs access to the website or FTP server.

The hyperlink is identified by the name you provide, both in the mind map in MindView Online and in any exported versions of the map.

A paperclip icon appears to the right of the root or branch label to indicate the presence of a hyperlink or attached object. Clicking the icon displays a pop-up list of all hyperlinks or objects attached. For more information on attached objects, see "Attaching objects".

Opening a hyperlink

Click the paperclip icon on the root or branch.

Select the hyperlink on the pop-up menu. You can also click the arrow icon next to the attached object and choose Open .

The link target is opened in the default application for the relevant link type on your computer or device. If the hyperlink points to a website, for example, the target site is opened in your default browser, while clicking a link that was created using the mailto: option will open a new e-mail in your default e-mail application.

Editing a hyperlink

Click the paperclip icon  on the root or branch.

Click the arrow icon next to the hyperlink, and choose Edit .

A dialog opens where you can edit the name, link type and address of the hyperlink.

Copying a hyperlink to a different location

You can copy a hyperlink from the root or a branch and paste it on a different branch (or the root) in your mind map.

Click the paperclip icon on the root or branch.

Click the arrow icon next to the hyperlink, and choose Copy .

Right-click the destination root or branch, and choose Paste .

Deleting a hyperlink

Click the paperclip icon  on the root or branch.

Click the arrow icon next to the hyperlink, and choose Delete .