Inserting icons

You can insert icons on the branches of your mind map to attract attention or illustrate a particular idea.

If the Icons panel is not already visible, choose View | Icons , or click the Icons tab at the right of the map workspace.

For more information on showing and hiding panels, see "Navigating the map workspace".

The Icons panel is divided into three categories:

Recent Icons contains icons that you have used recently. The category can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the plus and minus buttons.

Document Icons contains icons used in the current mind map. The category can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the plus and minus buttons.

Icons contains all icons available in MindView Online. The icons are divided into sets such as Priority, Completion and Standard. If the root or a branch is currently selected, any icons used on the selected element will be highlighted in the Icons panel.

Inserting an icon on the root or a branch

Select the root or branch to which you want to add an icon.

Click the required icon in the Icons panel.

The selected icon appears on the left of the root or branch name. The icon is also highlighted in the Icons panel until you deselect the root or branch.

You can choose as many icons as you like in the Standard set for the selected root or branch. However, you can only choose one icon in each of the other sets. If, for instance, you have attached a Priority 3 icon to your branch, choosing a Priority 5 icon for the same branch will remove the Priority 3 icon and replace it with the Priority 5 icon.

Removing an icon

Select the root or branch from which you want to remove an icon.

Right-click the icon to open its submenu.

Choose Delete Icon or Delete All Icons to remove the selected icon or all icons from the root or branch.

You can also remove an icon by clicking it in the Icons panel.

The icon is removed from the selected root or branch.

Replacing an icon

Select the root or branch on which you want to replace an icon.

Right-click the icon to open its submenu.

Choose Replace icon to replace the icon with a different icon from the same set.