Publishing a mind map

You can publish your mind map on the online MatchWare mind map library. Publishing a map has the following consequences:

You can share the map with other users through e-mail and social media. For more information, see "Sharing a published map" below.

Anyone can view and download the mind map from the mind map library.

Mind maps can only be published by their owner. In other words, if you have shared your mind map with other MindView Online users as described in "Sharing files and folders", they cannot publish it. They can, however, duplicate the shared mind map and publish their own copy. For more information, see "Options for individual folders and files" in "Managing files and folders".

Do not publish maps that contain sensitive information, as public maps are available to the general public. If you are in doubt which rules govern public maps, review the terms of service under "MatchWare MindView Online Terms of Service". Also be aware that even though you can unpublish a public map, thereby removing it from the online mind map library, other users may have downloaded and shared your public map before you unpublished it. Only publish a mind map if you are certain that the content is fit for publication and sharing.

If you publish a map that you have already published before, the existing public map will be overwritten. A message is shown to remind you of this when you start publishing the map.

Publishing a mind map

Open the mind map that you want to publish.

Publish your mind map by doing one of the following:

From the Backstage view, choose Share | Publish .

From the map workspace, choose Export | Publish .

Edit the title if desired, and choose a category for your mind map.

Editing the title is particularly useful if you had originally used a generic working title such as "My mind map". A better and more descriptive title increases the likelihood that other users will find and use the public mind map.

(Optional) Indicate which language is used in your mind map.

(Optional) Provide a description of your mind map.

(Optional) Add tags that describe your mind map by entering the text for each tag (up to 20 characters) in the Additional Tags field and pressing Enter or clicking Add. You can delete an existing tag by clicking the red cross on the tag .

The category, language and tag information you enter help users find mind maps that suit their requirements on the mind map library. The description you provide is shown when users click a mind map from the search results to view a particular mind map.

(Optional) Click Terms of Service to review the MindView Online terms of service before publishing the map.

Click OK.

When the map has been published, you can view it online immediately by clicking the link shown under Public Link.

Sharing a published map

You can share your public maps with others from the Map Published dialog.

Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the link shown. You can then paste the link into documents, e-mail messages, or similar.

Click a button under Social Share to share your mind map using the selected service:

Clicking the Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter or Google+ button opens the selected service in a new window or tab. You may be asked to log in and can then share your mind map.

Be aware that your sharing is governed by the terms and conditions of the selected service. MatchWare assumes no responsibility for your actions on third-party websites not controlled by MatchWare.

Clicking the e-mail button opens a new e-mail with a link to the public mind map and a message for the recipient(s) in your default e-mail application. Edit the mail message as required, and send it to share your mind map.

Viewing your published maps

You can view the maps you have published on the online MatchWare mind map library by doing one of the following:

From the Backstage view, choose Share | View published maps.

From the map workspace, click User and select My Settings to access the Profile page of your MindView account. You can then click Public Maps at the bottom of that page to view your public maps.

The online mind map library opens, showing the maps you have published. For each published map, you can see how many times it has been viewed and downloaded .

Deleting a published mind map

If you no longer want your mind map to be publicly available, you can delete it from the online MatchWare mind map library.

Locate the published map you want to delete, and click Delete to remove it from the online mind map library.