Using the Pictures panel

The Pictures panel contains a vast collection of high quality clipart pictures organized in many different categories or themes. All pictures are free for you to use in your mind maps.

For more information on inserting pictures, see "Inserting pictures". For more information on showing and hiding panels, see "Navigating the map workspace".

Moving the boundary between categories and results

You can move the boundary line between the picture categories and the search results pane.

Place the mouse pointer on the boundary line until it changes to a double arrow .

Drag the boundary line to the desired location.

Searching the Pictures panel

You can browse the Pictures panel by category or search for pictures using keywords.

Browsing by category

Click a category to see its contents.

(Optional) If the category contains one or more sub-categories, click the desired sub-category.

You can collapse a category again by clicking its arrow.

A list of pictures in the selected category or sub-category is shown.

To examine a particular picture more closely and see its title, place the mouse pointer over it to enlarge it.

Searching using keywords

If you need a picture related to a particular theme (for instance space exploration), you can search the entire Pictures panel for that theme:

Type your search text in the search field.

As you type, suggestions are shown below the search field. These suggestions are based on the actual keywords found in the Pictures panel.

The suggestions are continuously updated if you keep typing.

Execute the search by doing one of the following:

Use the Up and Down keys or the mouse to select a given suggestion.

Finish typing your search text and press Enter or click the Search button.

All pictures which have one or more keywords containing the characters you entered appear in the search results.