Creating a new account

If you need to create a new MindView account, proceed as follows:

Go to (or another site address as provided by your administrator).

Click Create Account.

Sign up for a free trial version by doing one of the following:

Enter your e-mail address and password, select the I'm not a robot check box, and click Sign up.

Click the Google, Microsoft or Facebook icon to sign in using an existing account with one of these providers.

You receive an e-mail with a link that you must click to verify your account and activate it. When you have done this, your free trial starts, and you can log in and start using MindView Online. You can also use your account to access the MindView Assist app; for more information, see "Installing the app and logging in" and subsequent topics in the "Using MindView Assist" section.

You can purchase the full version at any time during the trial period. If you do not, the application is converted to a viewer version when the trial period ends. For more information, see "Free trial and viewer version" under "Welcome".

Deleting your account

If you are an administrator, you can delete your MindView account yourself. If not, ask your account administrator to do it. For more information, see "Administrator options".