Entering time and task information

You can enter start and end dates and task priority and completion information for the root and all branches in your mind map. This can be a great help when developing project plans or other schedules in MindView Online; you and other users can quickly see important deadlines and task information in the mind map, allowing you to use mind maps in MindView Online as an easy-to-use project management tool.

The time and task information is entered using the Time panel. When you select a root or branch that has time or task information, the information is displayed in the Time panel. You can also display the information in the mind map itself as described in "Viewing a mind map".

Entering time and/or task information

If the Time panel is not already visible, choose View | Time , or click the Time tab at the right of the map workspace.

For more information on showing and hiding panels, see "Navigating the map workspace".

Select the root or branch where you want to add time and/or task information.

In the Time panel, enter start and end dates for the selected element, and/or set a task priority and completion percentage.

The exact layout of the fields shown in the Time panel depends on which browser you are using. In some browsers, you can adjust the selected dates using up and down arrows or select the dates on a drop-down calendar.

Exchanging information between MindView Online and desktop versions of MindView

Time and task information can be exchanged freely between MindView Online and desktop versions of MindView. If you upload an *.mvdx file and open it in MindView Online or download a MindView Online file and open it in the desktop version, all time and task information entered in the mind map is retained. For more information on uploading and downloading mind maps, see "Managing files and folders".

The Project Management document type available in desktop versions of MindView is not supported in MindView Online. If you upload a mind map with this document type and open it, you can edit it as normally. However, you cannot work with time and task information unless you convert it to MindView Online's native Task Management document type first. A message is shown in the Time panel to remind you of this. Click the Convert link to convert the document.

Conversely, if you download a mind map from MindView Online and open it in a desktop version of MindView, you can convert it to the Project Management document type. This allows you to develop the time and task information in the document into a fully-fledged project plan with summary tasks, task links, constraints and dependencies and much more. For more information, see the documentation for the desktop version of MindView.

In MindView Online, start dates on sub-branches can occur earlier than start dates on main branches. This is not possible when using the Project Management document type in desktop versions of MindView. Time information that does not fit the Project Management document type is changed during conversion from Task Management to Project Management. Before downloading a MindView Online document for use in a project plan, it is therefore a good idea to double-check that the time information is correct.

Removing time and task information

To remove start or end dates from an element in your mind map, select the element and click Delete Dates in the Time panel or clear the Start date or End date fields using your computer's Delete key.

In some browsers, there may be a Delete button as shown in the example below.

To remove task priority and completion information from an element in your mind map, select the element and reset the Priority and Completion drop-downs to Normal and 0%, respectively.