Navigating and setting up the app

The home screen of MindView Assist shows your research notes and Capture toolbar items (if any). You have a range of options.

Tap the plus sign to create a new research note as described in "Working with research notes".

Tap the MindView logo to open the Settings menu as described under "Selecting app settings" below.

You can also open the Settings menu by swiping right from the left-hand side of your device screen.

Tap the search icon to search the items listed as described below.

Tap an existing item on the list to open it for editing as described under "Editing an item" in "Working with research notes".

If an item on the list is placed in a folder or has a source, this is indicated on the item.

Tap Filter or Folder to filter the items shown as explained under "Filtering items" and "Viewing items in a specific folder" below.

Searching items

Tap the search icon to open a search field.

You can also open the search field by swiping downwards from the top of the list of items.

Enter search text to search all items listed on the home screen.

The feature searches all note titles and the content of text notes. As you type, the list of items is filtered to match your search.

Tap the delete icon to clear the search field and show all items on the list.

You can hide the search field by tapping the search icon again.

Filtering items

You can filter items on the home screen by type, date and/or color.

Tap Filter to open the filter menu.

Select one or more of the following criteria for the filter by tapping them:

Item type (audio, video, text or picture)

Creation date


You can select several types and colors at once. For more information on changing the color of notes, see "Working with research notes".

Tap Apply to filter your items.

The filter menu closes, and items (if any) that meet the selected filter criteria are displayed. The criteria are shown at the top of the home screen, and the Filter button is highlighted.

Editing or clearing a filter

Tap the displayed filter criteria or the Filter button to open the filter menu.

Do one of the following:

Select new criteria or update the existing ones, then tap Apply to update the filter and close the menu.

Tap Clear to clear all filter criteria and close the menu.

Viewing items in a specific folder

Tap Folder to open the folder menu, and select a folder.

If no folders have been created, you can only select items that have not been assigned to a folder. For more information on organizing items in folders, see "Working with folders and sources".

The folder menu closes. Only items in the selected folder are displayed. The folder name is shown at the top of the home screen, and the Folder button is highlighted.

If you create new research notes while viewing a specific folder, the new notes are automatically placed in this folder.

To display all items, tap the displayed folder name or the Folder button to open the folder menu, and then tap the selected folder to deselect it.

Selecting app settings

The Settings menu shows your user name, the app version and the time of the most recent synchronization with your MindView account. Tap the items on the menu to view or change app settings:

Tap Transcriptions to view a list of all transcriptions created from audio files on your device.

This option is only available if you have transcribed one or more audio recordings. For more information, see "Working with research notes".

Tap Sources to manage sources on your device as explained in "Working with folders and sources".

Tap Folders to manage folders on your device as explained in "Working with folders and sources".

Tap Settings to select general app options:

Select a visual theme for the app. The Normal theme lets you choose brightness settings: bright, device default or dark. You can set the device default in the settings of your device.

Choose your language and locale.

Choose the text-to-speech settings that are used when you use the Read Aloud feature for text notes as explained in "Working with research notes".

Select an alternative font for the app user interface.

Tap Logout to log out of MindView Assist.

Tap the synchronization button to manually synchronize MindView Assist with your MindView account.

Tap Support to open the MatchWare support page in your device’s default browser.

Tap Terms of Service to review the terms of service of the MindView Suite. The terms of service are also available in "MatchWare Terms of Service".

Tap Software Licenses to view a list of licenses used in the app.

Close the Settings menu by swiping left or using your device’s Back button.