Working with research notes

This topic explains how you create, edit and delete research notes in MindView Assist. For a general introduction to the app, see "Installing the app and logging in".

Creating a research note

From the home screen, tap the plus sign and select the note type you want.

Provide content for the note and select optional settings if needed. For detailed information, see below.

Save the research note by tapping the checkmark .

The note is saved and synchronized with your account. This generally happens quickly, but you can synchronize manually as explained in "Selecting app settings" in "Navigating and setting up the app".

If you create new research notes while viewing a specific folder as explained under "Viewing items in a specific folder" in "Navigating and setting up the app", the new notes are automatically placed in this folder.

Options for specific research note types

Picture notes

Use your device’s camera to take a photo.

Review the photo, and save or discard it using the options offered by your device. If you discard the photo, the camera opens again so you can take a new one.

After saving the photo, edit the note if needed:

Tap Retake  to discard the current photo and take a new one.

Tap Choose to discard the current photo and select an existing image on your device instead.

Browse all media files on your device, or select a specific location using the drop-down at the top of the screen.

You can also tap Open File at the bottom of the screen and select a location on your device.

Tap OCR to identify and extract text in the image.

The text is inserted in a new text note that you can edit and save as described below.

How successfully the OCR (optical character recognition) feature extracts text depends on the clarity of the text in the image. In general, typed letters are identified more accurately than handwriting.

Tap Title to edit the title of the note.

Under Source/Citation and Folder, add a source for the note and/or place it in a folder. For more information, see "Working with folders and sources".

If you add a source, a citation referencing the source is automatically added to the note. For book or journal sources, you can enter page numbers for the citation.

Tap Color to change the background color of the note.

Choosing different background colors lets you filter your research notes by color as explained under "Filtering items" in "Navigating and setting up the app".

Tap the three dots to delete the note (see below) or share it with others using the features available on your device.

See the documentation for your apps or device for more information on your sharing options.

Text notes

Enter the text of the text note using your device’s on-screen keyboard (or another input method such as dictation, if your device supports it).

Tap Read Aloud to have the note read aloud. You can select the language on the drop-down.

Tap the checkmark to save the text.

After saving the text, edit the note if needed:

Tap the text to edit it. Tap the checkmark to save the updated text.

Tap Read Aloud to have the note read aloud.

Edit the title, create or select sources and folders, change the note color and/or delete or share the note as explained for picture notes above.

Video notes

Use your device’s camera to record a video.

Review the video, and save or discard it using the options offered by your device. If you discard the video, the camera opens again so you can record a new one.

After saving the video, edit the note if needed:

Tap Retake to discard the current video and record a new one.

Tap Choose to discard the current video and select a video from your device instead.

Edit the title, create or select sources and folders, change the note color and/or remove or share the note as explained for picture notes above.

Audio notes

Tap Record to start recording audio from your device's microphone (or another audio source connected to your device).

You can pause recording by tapping Pause . Resume recording by tapping Record again.

Tap the checkmark to end and save the recording.

After saving the recording, edit the note if needed:

Tap Play/Pause and Stop to play the recording.

Tap Record to discard the current recording and record a new one.

Tap Transcribe to transcribe the content of the audio note.

The transcribed text is inserted in a new text note that you can edit and save as described above.

The transcription feature can process recordings up to 60 seconds. How successfully it recognizes text depends on the quality of the recording. In general, carefully enunciated words and sentences recorded with high clarity and little background noise are identified more accurately than mumbling or noisy recordings.

Edit the title, create or select sources and folders, change the note color and/or remove or share the note as explained for picture notes above.

Gallery notes

Select an existing image on your device.

Browse all media files on your device, or select a specific location using the drop-down at the top of the screen.

You can also tap Open File at the bottom of the screen and select a location on your device.

When the note is saved, it works just like a picture note. You have the same editing options as for other picture notes.

Editing an item

When you have created and saved a research note, you can open it for editing from the home screen. You can also edit items that you have created using the Capture toolbar and saved to the Research panel as explained in the documentation for your desktop version of MindView.

Tap the item on the list to open it for editing.

Edit the item as required.

Your options when editing are the same as when creating research notes. For more information, see the descriptions for each note type above.

Tap the checkmark to save your changes.

Deleting an item

Tap the item to open it, tap the three dots , and tap Delete Note.