Using bibliography sources

You can compile and maintain bibliography entries (known as sources) in your maps. When you export a mind map, you can include the sources used in the resulting file as a bibliography in several export file formats.

If you want to add citations to elements of the mind map, you will have to create one or more sources first. It is not, however, necessary to use citations; you can create any number of sources without referring to them, and just use them as a bibliography. See "Using citations" for more information on inserting citations.

Instead of creating sources in MindView Online, you can import them from the Mendeley and Zotero online reference manager systems. This allows you to quickly add sources that you have compiled elsewhere to your mind map.

If you use the MindView Assist app to create research notes, you can add sources to your notes. When you insert a note from the Research panel in your MindView Online document, the source is automatically added to the list of sources in the document. See "Working with folders and sources" for more information on working with sources in MindView Assist.

Opening the source management dialog

mv_arrow.gifDo one of the following:

Select a branch or the root, choose Insert | Citations and click Manage Sources in the submenu.

Right-click a branch or the root and choose Citations | Manage Sources .

If you are editing a text note: click Manage Sources on the text editor toolbar.

Entering a source manually

mv_arrow.gifClick Manual Entry .

The New Source dialog opens with the Manual Entry Mode tab selected.

You can also access this dialog while inserting citations by clicking New Source in the Insert Citation dialog and choosing Manual Entry on the submenu.

mv_arrow.gifSelect the source type on the Type drop-down list, and enter information about the source in the fields below.

The fields available depend on the source type chosen.

mv_arrow.gifClick Save to add the source to the mind map.

Adding a source from WorldCat

You can search the online library catalog WorldCat and add sources from the search results.

mv_arrow.gifClick WorldCat .

The New Source dialog opens with the Source Results tab selected.

You can also access this dialog while inserting citations by clicking New Source in the Insert Citation dialog and choosing WorldCat on the submenu.

mv_arrow.gifEnter search text (e.g. an author's name or a publication title) in the search field, select source type and source language, and click Search.

note_color.gif The WorldCat search does not include websites. If you need to use a website as a source, add it manually as described above.

Search results are shown in the dialog.

mv_arrow.gif(Optional) For more information about an item on the list of results, click the WorldCat icon worldcat_icon.gif for that item to see more details on the WorldCat web site.

mv_arrow.gifUse the Previous and Next buttons to navigate between result pages, if applicable.

mv_arrow.gifClick the Select button for the source you want to include.

The application switches to the Manual Entry Mode tab where you can add information about the selected source as described above.

mv_arrow.gifClick Save to add the source to the mind map.

Importing sources from Zotero or Mendeley

Click Zotero or Mendeley .

In the dialog that opens, sign into the Mendeley or Zotero account you want to use, or confirm that you want to proceed with the current account if you had already signed in.

You can also access this dialog while inserting citations by clicking New Source in the Insert Citation dialog and choosing Mendeley or Zotero on the submenu.

Select the sources that you want to import, and click OK.

note_color.gif The illustration shows sources being imported from Mendeley, but the procedure is the same when using Zotero.

Editing sources

mv_arrow.gifSelect an existing source, and click Edit .

mv_arrow.gifEdit the source information as desired.

mv_arrow.gifClick Save to update the source in the mind map.

Deleting a source

mv_arrow.gifSelect the source to be deleted, and click Delete .

note_color.gif If you delete a source that is cited on a branch or other element of the map, the actual citation is not deleted but the connection between citation and source is lost. If you then export the map to Microsoft Word, the exported document will contain an error message because Word cannot find a source for the citations.

If you edit or delete a source that you have imported from Mendeley or Zotero, remember that the change only applies to your MindView Online document, not the reference manager system you imported the source from. You may want to take steps to ensure that your sources are consistent everywhere.