Inserting items from the Research panel

From the Research panel, you can insert research notes created using the MindView Assist app. You can also insert text and pictures created using the Capture toolbar in a desktop version of MindView if you have saved these items to the Research panel.

For more information on MindView Assist, see "Installing the app and logging in" and subsequent topics in the "Using MindView Assist" section.

Inserting an item

If the Research panel is not visible, open it by clicking it or by choosing View | Research.

Insert an item by doing one of the following:

Use the mouse to drag the item from the Research panel to the required location in your mind map.

Select the root or branch where you want to add the item, hover the mouse over the item in the Research panel, and click the Add button.

If the item you want to insert is not shown, refresh the Research panel view or check that the item is not hidden because of filter settings. For more information, see "Research panel options" below.

Text items are inserted as text notes, and you can view and edit them like other text notes; for more information, see "Inserting text notes". You can reposition, move and resize pictures like other pictures in your mind map; for more information, see "Inserting pictures". You can handle audio or video files like other multimedia attachments; for more information, see "Attaching objects".

If an inserted item includes a source, the source is automatically added to the list of sources in your document. Items from the Capture toolbar in desktop versions of MindView by default have sources; for research notes, you can add a source manually in MindView Assist as explained in "Working with folders and sources". After inserting an item in your mind map, you can add more sources and citations for it as normally; for more information, see "Using bibliography sources" and "Using citations".

You can remove Research panel items from your document like other inserted items. This does not remove them from the Research panel.

Research panel options

You have several options in the Research panel:

Click an item to see a preview. Close the preview by clicking X in the top right corner.

Click Sort to sort your items by creation date or item title. You can sort items in ascending or descending order.

Click Folder to filter your items by folder. For more information on organizing items in folders in MindView Assist, see "Working with folders and sources".

Click Type to filter your items by type.

Click Refresh to refresh the Research panel view.

Items shown in the Research panel can be edited and deleted from MindView Assist as described in "Working with research notes", and the panel is updated frequently to show changes made in the app. If you have recently created, edited or deleted one or more items from the app but your changes are not shown in MindView yet, the Refresh button may speed up the update process.

Items already inserted in your mind map are not affected by changes to items in the Research panel from MindView Assist.

Deleting an item from the Research panel

Click the three dots to the right of the item in the Research panel, and choose Delete in the local menu.

The item is deleted from the Research panel. It is also deleted from your MindView account and is no longer available in MindView or MindView Assist.

Deleting an item does not affect items already inserted in your mind maps.